Italy (Sicily) - Istituto Comprensivo Statale San Giovanni Bosco, Naro

Our school is located in the south part of Sicily, in a small town, Naro. It is a comprehensive institute with six different complexes in two different towns, Naro and Camastra. It includes three levels of primary education : infant school (3-5 ages), primary school (6-10) and 1st grade of secondary school (11-13). The school has about 800 pupils-mostly from Naro, and also some pupils from Romania.Spoken language is Italian. There are about 86 teachers in the different levels of education. Among our students we have got children with special needs, they follow individualized educational programmes. The institute is placed in an agricultural zone and the social and cultural context isn’t homogeneous. Our school has already taken part in several European projects, Comenius projects before and now in an Erasmus project, called “Let’s help” finishing in September 2018. We would like to take part in this new project because we believe that for our students who live in a region so rich in culture and history, it’s becoming increasingly important to be familiar with their own regional environment for becoming aware of their own identity and cultural background. We live near Agrigento that since1997 is inscribed in the list of the World Heritage sites.Its great row of Doric temples preserved in an exceptionally intact condition is one of the most outstanding monuments of Greek art and culture.

In Sicily there are also other six Unesco sites. In Naro,there is St. Francis church-in 2005 it was considered from UNESCO the site messenger of peace in the world. For all these reasons, in our plan of school activities we focus on historical and cultural orientated projects. So our students take part in a lot of projects and competitions in order to know the territory and the history, teachers organize with the students some special days when they become “mini tour guides” with the aim to protect, respect and enhance our local cultural heritage. Our school organizes different educational trips to allow students to see with their own eyes the beauty around them . In an international perspective to explore UNESCO World Heritage Sites could mean to delve into their historic and geographical significance, to look for differences and similarities and how they influence the lives of our students today. Besides our students study English language since the 1st year of the primary school and from the last school year we started to teach English using the CLIL method also participating to local and regional language projects . Key persons: -Coordinator teacher- an English teacher, the expert to use new ICT tools;. -Headmaster -maths teacher,managment,leadership, administrative and supervising skills.He took part in our former Comenius and Erasmus projects. - Other specialised teachers (who will take part in various project activities) and all pupils particularly sensitive to historical and cultural issues and collaborating also with local associations.

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