
Due to long term cooperation among partners we are sure about good cooperation satisfying sharing of roles and responsibility

Lithuania - Kedainiu "Ryto" progimnazija, Kedainiu

Our school progymnasium is situated in the center of the beautiful town Kedainiai.We have 974 pupils.They are between 7-15 years old. We have about 472 primary pupils,aged 7-11, and in higher classes 502 pupils. 107pupils have Special Educational Needs. They…

Ireland - Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara, Mornington

Our school is called BunscoilBuachaillíRéaltna Mara, which is the Irish for Star of the Sea Boys’ Primary School. We are an all boys primary school ranging from 4-12 years of age with approximately 470 boys. We are situated 40 km…

Poland - Szkola Podstawowa nr 66 im. Marii Sklodowskiej-Curie, Poznan

Szkola Podstawowa im. Marii Skolodowskiej-Curie is the regular elementary School in Poznan, students aged 7-16. It is situated in the Wielkopolska Region, Poznan. There are about 850 students in our school and 75 professional teachers.Taking into account our educational system…